Guarantor Reference Form 

Please complete the online form below or download our PDF application document. 
A Guarantor would be required for an individual tenant who: 
is unable to provide a satisfactory employment reference, 
is a claimant of means tested benefits, 
has a low credit check score, CCJs IVAs DMP, Bankruptcy or adverse credit, 
has been employed for less than one year 
is in part time work. 
The Guarantor: 
is usually a member of the individual's family, a friend or an employer 
is the registered owner of freehold property, 
can provide evidence of sufficient means or income (we would seek an employer’s reference) 
has a satisfactory credit check score with no CCJs IVAs CMP Bankruptcy or adverse credit. 
This person will be required to sign a legally binding document prior to the creation of the tenancy, which would make him/her liable for the rent and other obligations of the tenancy for the term of occupancy if the tenant defaults on their obligations. Before signing the Guarantor Agreement the Referencing form below must be completed. 
If you have any questions about the application forms or process, please get in touch and we will do our upmost to help. 
If downloading a PDF form, you can e-mail, post or drop your forms off at our office, which ever suits you best. All information is strictly confidential and it is essential that full and correct responses are given to all questions on the application form as by submitting the form you, the guarantor, declare that the details given are true and correct, and will be the basis of any contract between yourself, the tenant and Rent East Yorkshire Limited or any of their Landlord Clients. Submission of the Application does not represent any offer between Rent East Yorkshire Limited or any of their Landlord Clients and you the prospective tenant or guarantor. 
We will need to see proof of identity of the Guarantor; this can be 
either a Passport 
or Driving Licence & Birth Certificate 
Bank Statements 
You will also need to supply us with a current bank statement. Once we have all forms, identification we can then process the application. 
Rental Property Details 
Guarantor Details 
Proof of ID can be a photo of your passport OR your driving licence and birth certificate. Please ensure file size is no more than 10MB
Guarantor Contact Details 
Guarantor Next of Kin Details 
Bank Account Details 
Guarantor Current Address 
Dates at this property: 
Time at Address: 
Current Landlord, Letting Agent or Council if Council Tenant 
Previous Address 1 (If less than 3 years at current address) 
Dates at this property: 
Time at Address: 
Previous Landlord, Letting Agent or Council if Council Tenant 
Guarantor Employment Details 
Applicants on Maternity / Paternity Leave 
Other Income (Please supply proof of income with your application form) 
Retired Details (Please supply proof of pension with your application form) 
Self-Employment Details (Please supply 3 months accounts or 6 months bank statements) 
Upload one bank statement and any additional supporting financial documents 
Adverse History 
Right to Rent 
I hereby give my employer, accountant, landlord and letting agent permission to disclose information requested by Rent East Yorkshire. 
I confirm that the information contained in this application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, which can be verified. 
I agree that Rent East Yorkshire may search files of one or more credit referencing agencies. 
I also understand that in the event of failing to make the rental payment, a default may be recorded against my credit file and shared with other sources. 
I understand, should any information provided in this application be found untrue, the application will be declined and I may lose the administration and holding fee. 
I have read and understood the statement above and I authorise Rent East Yorkshire Ltd. to conduct the checks and reference requests described and make all other relevant enquiries necessary to assess my suitability to enter into a tenancy agreement.